Page updated February 18, 2024

Recommended Reading

  • SAVED: A War Reporter's Mission to Make It Home — Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers; Auther: Benjamin Hall. Compelling first-person story of making it out of the Ukraine with significant live-threatening injuries.
  • The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever — Publisher: Hatchette Books; Author: Mark Frost. An exceptional piece of work about Ben Hogan, Byron Nelson, Harvey Ward, and Ken Venturi.
  • Pursuit of Perfection — Publisher: Tribute Publishing; Author: Lynn Borland. Story about former University of Washington football coach Gilmour Dobie, who never lost a game in nine years and finished with a .975 winning percentage at UW. To download an excerpt (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) from the November 21, 2010 edition of the Seattle Times newspaper, click here.
  • Golf is Not a Game of Perfect — Publisher: Simon & Schuster; Author: Dr Bob Rotella. Filled with insightful stories from the author which will improve the game of even the most casual weekend player.
  • Be The Ball: A Golf Instruction Book for the Mind — Publisher: Andrews McMeel, Author: Charlie Jones and Kim Doren
  • Final Rounds: a father, a son, the golf journey of a lifetime — Publisher: Bantam Books, Author: James Dodson
  • Pacific Northwest Cheese: A History — Publisher: Oregon State University Press; Author: Tammy Parr. An indepth look at cheese production and merchandising in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana; from 18th century to present day.



The History of Rock & Roll (THRR) - During the '70s I performed in this group. Based in Port Angeles (WA), our group played dance music at popular nightspots from Clallam Bay on the west end of the Olympic Peninsula to Seattle. THRR is recognized on the website created as a tribute to bands that performed in the Pacific Northwest during the 50's, 60's, 70's and later. To visit the full array of bands during this era visit Pacific Northwest Bands. Listed also at the site, in memorandum, is our good buddy and music-mate Jim Neske (a.k.a., Chance Eden).