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In March 2003, I added a statistical tracking service that tallies "pageviews" (i.e., hits) on the the weather pages of this site. Examples of data reports available include (but are not limited to): Page Views per Day/Yesterday/Last Seven Days/Month/Total Page Views to Date; Total Visitors per Day/Yesterday/Last Seven Days/Total Visitors to Date; Date of Highest Page Views, Page Traffic Patterns, and so forth.

As of February 18, 2024 there have been over 918,777 page views by 229,547 (Returning and New) visitors to this site; the most popular page being the Club at Snoqualmie Ridge weather page. This microsite averages roughly 14-45 visitors per day depending on how severe the weather is locally. What's more, visitors from 256 cities across 31 countries have landed here including Russia, Australia and New Zealand, Sweden, South Korea, Ireland, South Africa, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Latvia, Belarus, Bulgaria, and many, many more. The highest page view for a day was 5,958 page views on Saturday, December 20, 2008 during a severe wind storm in the Pacific Northwest including the Snoqualmie area.

Wishing you an awesome day!